Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why is finding a girl to marry so difficult?

Though I live a very happy and productive life, one thing eludes me. Some have accused me of being too picky, or not patient enough. Admittedly those accusations may contain a thread of truth, but are not the whole truth.
I seems like quite often there are girls that show interest to whom I just cannot return the favor, and it seems to happen in reverse to me quite often. I don't think that is abnormal, I am a little tired of the seemingly never-ending cycle of meeting new people, but never really developing anything lasting or profound with them.

Just think of it, the beginnings are always the most awkward, or mechanical parts of a relationship, that's where I seem to be stuck. Some may advise to be more patient, I am not sure what the solution is to my query?
The gospel has brought so much meaning and purpose to my life. I feel God's love for me, and know he wants me to succeed. I quite honestly do not know which direction to go, what I need to change, what should remain the same?

As I went home for Christmas and talked with old friends I had an interesting thing happen. AS I said that I was happy to some of my friends, they exclaimed "yeah, that's because you are single." Which made me laugh. Here I am a little unhappy because I am single, while my friends dream of there single days and remember them as happy ones.

thanks for hearing me vent