Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My 6.5-.284 with a Leupold 6.5-20*40mm Varmiter scope. Sweet The scope was a treat for me making my $4000 RRSP contribution this last year.

Temple Time

Not too long ago a Stake Leader issued a challenge that we attend the temple one more time a month than we were currently doing. I drive the temple twice daily (at least) but had only been going maybe once or twice a month. I decided that I would do better, and go once a week. It has been about a month or so since I took up that challenge. I have begun to notice some very subtle changes. More in the way that I feel than in any tangible way. I feel a little more grateful for what I have, a little more patient as I wait for that which I don't have but want, a little more ready to serve, and really just surprised what a couple of hours a week can do to change a life.

Sunday, April 5, 2009